Manuscript requirements
To publish an article in the collection of scientific papers “Fundamental and applied problems of ferrous metallurgy”, authors have to send to the editors:
– a cover letter indicating the full name of the corresponding author and his contact details;
– the manuscript’s doc file is formatted following the requirements. A scanned copy of the manuscript’s last page, signed by all authors, has to be attached to the manuscript;
– in a separate doc file, abstracts of the manuscript in Ukrainian and English. Each abstract has to be at least 1,800 characters (150-250 words);
– in separate files, the manuscript’s illustrations in jpg or tif files. The resolution of the illustrations should be 300 dpi;
– information about the authors of the manuscript in Ukrainian and English. The information about each author has to contain full name, scientific degree, academic degree, author’s affiliation and their current position, ORCID ID, Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Email and phone number of the author;
– a cover letter from the authors’ affiliated institution or an expert opinion on the possibility of publishing the article in an open press. If the author’s team includes members of a non-state or a private company/ enterprise, then consent to the publication of the manuscript, signed by the enterprise’s / company’s authority, has to be additionally submitted;
– a license agreement signed by authors;
– a consent to the collection and processing of personal data, signed by the authors.
Received manuscripts undergo a mandatory check for plagiarism and a peer review within 30 working days. The editor makes a decision to recommend a manuscript for publication based on the review results, but the final decision to publish the manuscript is made by the editorial board. The decision of the editorial board and a copies of the reviews will be sent to the corresponding author.
Manuscript’s drafting
The manuscript has to be written in Ukrainian or English.
The manuscript should contain a statement of the problem, the relevance of the research, an analysis of recent publications, a purpose of the research, a description of research methods/methodology, an explanation of the validity of the obtained results, detailed results of the original research and their analysis, conclusions, recommendations, and prospects for the use of obtained results.
Materials submitted to the editors must contain:
– UDC index;
– a title of the manuscript (in Ukrainian and English);
– full names of the authors (in Ukrainian and English);
– scientific degrees and academic degrees of the authors (if available) and their current positions (in Ukrainian and English);
– author’s affiliation (in Ukrainian and English);
– abstract at least 1,800 characters (in Ukrainian and English);
– keywords (in Ukrainian and English).
The manuscript has to be sent to the editors by email in MS Word format (*.doc).
The length of the manuscript is no more than 12 pages (considering the illustrations, the number of which should not exceed 8 figures).
The page format for typing is A5. The top, bottom and outside margins are 1.5 cm, and the inside margin is 2.5 cm. Line spacing is 1.0.
Only the “MS Equation” editor is allowed to format the formulas.
Manuscript’s structure
The manuscript should begin with the UDC index located in the upper left corner of the page.
Full names of the authors should be typed in bold, font Times New Roman 9 pt; authors’ scientific and academic degrees, authors’ current positions and ORCIDs should be typed in regular font Times New Roman 9 pt. The alignment is by the sheet’s width.
The authors’ affiliation should be typed in italics font Times New Roman font 9 pt.
The manuscript’s title should be typed in capital letters, font Times New Roman 10 pt, bold. Alignment is in the centre of the sheet.
Below the title, it has to be an abstract (in the language of the article), font Times New Roman 9 pt (at least 1800 characters).
Keywords (at least 5 keywords or phrases) should be typed in regular Times New Roman 9 pt.
The following main text of the manuscript is typed in Times New Roman 10 pt. The alignment of the text is by the sheet’s width.
The figures given in the text must be clear and readable. Figures and tables must be numbered. The text of the article should contain references to all figures and tables.
Tables can be placed on a landscape page.
The font of the text in the tables and captions in the figures should be regular Times New Roman font 9 pt or 10 pt.
References are given twice in the manuscript.
The first time, references must be formatted according to DSTU 8302-015, Times New Roman 9 pt. References are given in the text in square brackets according to the order of their citation. Authors should avoid creating links to hard-to-reach sources of information.
The second time, references must be transliterated and formatted according to APA Style, font Times New Roman 9 pt.
If the language of the article is Ukrainian, then further information is given in English, or vice versa:
– full names of the authors (the font is Times New Roman, bolt, 10 pt), their scientific and academic degrees, authors’ current positions and ORCIDs (the font is Times New Roman, regular, 10 pt);
– the authors’ affiliation (the font is Times New Roman, italics, 9 pt);
– the title of the manuscript (the font is Times New Roman, bolt, 10 pt);
– the abstract (at least 1800 characters, the font is Times New Roman 9 pt;
– at least 5 keywords (the font is Times New Roman 9 pt).
Requirements for the abstract of the manuscript
The abstract should reflect the relevance and content of the research, its originality and practical value. Abstract aims to attract readers. The functions of the abstract are to determine the essence of the manuscript’s content and to make it clear whether the article is worth thoroughly reading.
The abstract of the article must include:
– characteristics of the topic of the research or analysis;
– a description of the problem being solved;
– the purpose of the research;
– the research results, their originality, importance and practical value.