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“Fundamental and applied problems of ferrous metallurgy”

Issue 38, 2024

Bochka V. V., Niziaiev K. H., Yaholnyk M. V., Shmat K. V., Oleksiienko M. M. Research of the features of the laying of the batch, its movement and output from the BLT bunker

Gres L. P., Gupalo O. V., Vereshchak V. I., Yeromin O. O., Radchenko Yu. M., Vereshchak D. V. Increasing the heating temperature of blast-furnace air by improving the system of heat recovery of flue gases of hot-blast stoves

Hubynskyi M. V., Merkulov O. Ye., Sybir A. V., Fedorov S. S., Hubynskyi S. M., Foris O. M., Dudchenko S. O., Dzhygota M. H. Determination of the mechanical properties of synthetic cast iron when using carburiser obtained by electrothermal fluidised bed

Kryachko H. Yu., Sigarev Ye. M. Gas blow mode of blowing period of blast furnaces

Muravyova I. H., Chaika O. L., Ivancha M. H., Kornilov B. V., Merkulov O. Ye., Nesterov O. S., Harmash L. I., Vіshnyakov V. I., Shcherbachov V. R., Yermolina K. P. Summary of research results on the effect of increasing hydrogen content in the blast and its distribution across the blast furnace radius on the technological mode of blast furnace smelting

Nesterov O. S., Harmash L. I., Muravyova I. H., Chaika O. L., Lopatenko K. P., Boldenko M. H. Influence of hydrogen on reduction processes in a blast furnace

Chaika O. L., Kornilov B. V., Muravyova I. H., Harmash L. I., Moskalyna A. O., Lebid V. V., Izumskyi M. M., Dzhyhota M. H. Analysis of existing and prospective blast furnace smelting technologies providing reduction of carbon dioxide emissions for current and prospective conditions of pig iron production in Ukraine

Yelisieiev V. I., Manachyn I. O., Molchanov L. S., Kysliakov V. H., Rudenko O. L. Mathematical and analytical analysis of the influence of technological factors and parameters on the efficiency of the process of desulfurization of cast iron with magnesium

Manachyn I. O., Yelisieiev V. I., Kysliakov V. H., Petrusha V. P. Theoretical assessment of a single influx of technological factors on the effectiveness of the process of desulfurization of iron with magnesium

Kysliakov V. H., Manachyn I. O., Yelisieiev V. I., Rudenko O. L. Study of gas-powder jets injection by cold modeling methods

Golub T. S., Molchanov L. S. Complex analysis of methods of increase in steel production efficiency on the example of the application of electrical activation of the oxygen flow in top blow converters

Molchanov L. S., Arendach N. A., Golub T. S. Laboratory study of the mixing characteristics of gas jets of process gases

Molchanov L. S., Golub T. S., Semykin S. I. Methodological aspects of analysis and interpretation of the results of physical modeling of the processes of interaction of gas jets with liquid phases of an oxygen-converter bath

Semykin S. I., Golub T. S., Dudchenko S. O., Vakulchuk V. V., Prokopenko P. H. Study of the patterns of ozone generation using the top oxygen lance under various technological blowing conditions

Tohobytska D. M., Belkova A. I., Stepanenko D. O., Povorotnia I. R., Grekov S. V. Selection of criteria and development of models for prediction of elements distribution coefficients in the “metal- slag” system during steel processing at the ladle-furnace unit

Tymoshenko D. O., Kukhar V. V., Shaulska L. V., Kononyuk D. V. Comparative analysis of the environmental efficiency of steelmaking technologies in the context of the “green” transition

Togobytska D. M., Povorotnia I. R., Piptyuk V. P., Kuksa O. V. Comprehensive assessment of the properties of additives as a necessary component of the intelligent decision-making system in the proofing of steel at the ladle-furnace installation

Shvets O. V., Konovodov D. V., Petrov O.D., Lisnycha T. Y. Improving the design of the tundish of the continuous casting machine for round billets production using numerical simulation

Yushkevych P. O. Features of the construction of single-tier top tuyeres for oxygen converters

Prykhodko I. Yu., Krot P. V., Raznosilin V. V., Vorobei S. O., Klemeshov Ye. S., Malygin M. S., Semenov I. A., Matyjaszczyk K. System for automatic front ends control of thick plates by asymmetric hot rolling

Verenev V. V. Development of methods for diagnosing the technical condition of rolling mill equipment in transient operating modes

Yehorov O. P., Rybalchenko M. O., Manachyn I. O., Mikhailovskyi M. V. Optimization of the work mode of the output side of minor mills

Konovodov D. V., Andreiev V. V., Maslov D. O. Influence of initial microstructure of Al-Mg-Sc alloy on defect formation in hot-rolled strips

Klemeshov Ye. S., Prykhodko I. Yu., Merkulov O. Ye. Analysis of the problems of creating flat multilayer bimetallic compositions and ways to solve them

Мedvedev М. І., Bobukh O. S. Features of the technology of manufacturing pipes from heat-resistant steel and heat-resistant alloys

Parusov E. V., Chuiko I. M., Oliinyk E. V., Parusov O. V. Analysis of trends and problems of the production of low-carbon Cr-Mo-V steel wire rod and wire for welding purposes

Razdobrieiev V. H., Kluychnikov K. Yu., Palamar D. H., Leshchenko O. I., Ivanov O. P. Analytical studies of the influence of the technological parameters of the process of pulling the strip through the bending-stretching device on the change of the energy-force parameters of the process

Tsikoliia A. Z., Nykytiuk M. V., Kononov D. O. The application of the CoilBox intermediate rewinding device for reducing energy consumption and improving the efficiency of rolling production in continuous sheet mills

Bilodidenko S. V., Маzur І. А., Dobriak V. D., Uhriumov D. Yu., Uhriumov Yu. D. Processes for preparing a workpiece for piercing on a cross-rolling mill

Adjamskiy S. V., Podolskyi R. V., Kononenko G. A., Klemeshov E. S., Safronova O. A. Development of rational heat treatment regimes to reduce residual stresses in parts of complex cross-section made of 316L steel using SLM technology

Babachenko O. I., Kononenko G. A., Podolskyi R. V., Safronova O. A., Shpak O. A. Research on the relationship between microstructure and operational defects of wheels and rails

Babachenko O. I., Liubeka I. M., Kononenko G. A., Podolskyi R. V., Safronova O. A. Agarkov K. V. Obtaining TeO2 single crystal for acousto-optic applications: raw materials, growth process, and properties. (Review)

Gubenko S. I., Parusov E. V., Chuiko I. M., Parusov O. V. The effect of laser processing on the structure and wear resistance of wheel steel

Zotov D. S., Niziaiev K. H., Uzlov O. V., Puchykov O. V., Shpak O. A. Reduction of the content and size of non-metallic inclusions in strip rolled low carbon steel

Kononenko G. A., Kimstach T. V., Safronova O. A., Podolskyi R. V. Klynova О. Р. Prospects for the development of high-strength bainite steels

Lutsenko V. A., Golubenko T. M., Lutsenko O. V. The influence of processing parameters on the structure and properties of the low-carbon steel

Movchan O. V., Chornoivanenko K. O. Regularities of phase and structural transformation in the Fe-Cr-Ti-C system during carburization

Parusov E. V., Borisenko A. Yu., Oliinyk E. V., Chuiko I. M., Parusov O. V. Application of fractal analysis for quantitative evaluation of graphite inclusions in the cast iron structure

Povorotnia I. R., Safronova O. A., Podolsky R. V., Oliinyk E. V. Influence of chemical composition on the phase structure and hardness of carbon steel for railway axles after deformation and heat treatment

Povorotny V. V., Tolstikov H. I., Tolstikov I. H., Yaichuk O. O. Some features of modeling the research process thermo-stressed bowl for liquid slag transportation

Khudyakov O. Yu., Vashchenko S. V., Baiul K. V., Semenov Yu. S., Krot P. V. Development of the universal method for predicting the density of briquettes from dry fine-fractional materials based on the results of a comparative study of compression factors

Bilodidenko S. V., Маzur І. А., Dobriak V. D., Uhriumov D. Yu., Uhriumov Yu. D. Modeling the operation of the hydraulic brake of the forholler feeding apparatus of the pilger rolling mill

Radchenko Yu. M., Gupalo O. V., Rebrykov O. A., Shtatskyi M. O. Determination of the initial heat output of the soaking pit under conditions of unstable operation of the metallurgical plant

Mikhailovskyi M. V., Gupalo O. V., Yehorov O. P., Shibakinskyi V. I. Development of ASC in the blowing mode of the ring furnace when enriching the blow with process oxygen

Mazur V. V. Directions of development of charge formation technology for smelting refractory multisilica materials

Sirenko K. A. Samplers for thermal express analysis of iron-carbon alloys

Babachenko O. I., Parusov E. V., Harmash L. I. To the 85th anniversary of Iron and Steel Institute of Z. I. Nekrasov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Stepanenko D. O. Our anniversaries

Merkulov O. Ye., Levchenko H. V. In memory of Leonid Hryhorovych Tuboltsev

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