DOI: 10.52150/2522-9117-2018-32-328-335
Lutsenko Vladislav Anatoliyovych, Dr. Sci. (Engin.), Leading Researcher, Iron and Steel Institute named after Z.I. Nekrasov of the NAS of Ukraine, Academican Starodubova square, 1, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49107;, ORCID 0000-0002-4604-5592
Parusov Eduard Vladimirovich, PhD (Engin.), Senior Research Scientist, Head of Department; Iron and Steel Institute named after Z.I. Nekrasov of the NAS of Ukraine, Academican Starodubova square, 1, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49107; e-mail:, ORCID 0000-0002-4560-2043
Golubenko Tatyana Nikolaevna, PhD (Engin.), Senior Researcher, Iron and Steel Institute named after Z.I. Nekrasov of the NAS of Ukraine, Academican Starodubova square, 1, Dnipro, Ukraine,49107;, ORCID 0000-0002-3583-211X
Lutsenko Olga Vladislavivna, PhD (Engin.), Research Scientist, Iron and Steel Institute named after Z.I. Nekrasov of the NAS of Ukraine, Academican Starodubova square, 1, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49107;
Parusov O.V., PhD (Engin.), Senior Researcher, Iron and Steel Institute named after Z.I. Nekrasov of the NAS of Ukraine, Academican Starodubova square, 1, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49107; e-mail:, ORCID 0000-0002-9879-6179
Chuyko Igor Mikolayovich, PhD (Engin.), SeniorResearch Scientist, Iron and Steel Institute named after Z.I. Nekrasov of the NAS of Ukraine, Academican Starodubova square, 1, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49107;, ORSID 0000-0002-4753-614X
Sagura Lyudmila Vladimirovna, PhD (Engin.), Senior Researcher, Institute named after Z.I. Nekrasov of the NAS of Ukraine, Academican Starodubova square, 1, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49107;
Sivak Alla Ivanovna, Researcher, Institute named after Z.I. Nekrasov of the NAS of Ukraine, Academican Starodubova square, 1, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49107
The interrelation of the chemical composition and mechanical properties of constructional alloyed steels
Abstract. The aim of the work is to determine the content intervals of alloying elements in structural alloyed steels, which ensure the obtaining of mechanical properties and the conformity of rolled products to the requirements of European standards. The studies were conducted using a predictive model developed by the Iron and Steel Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, taking into account the full chemical composition of the steel. The regularities of changes in the interatomic interaction parameter on the number of alloying elements in the steel composition and its relationship with mechanical properties are revealed. The dependences of mechanical properties (tensile strength, relative elongation) on the chemical composition of steel are constructed through the physicochemical criterion – the average statistical distance between interacting atoms (structural parameter d). The interrelation between the chemical composition and mechanical properties of chromemolybdenum structural steels has been established. It is shown that increasing the chromium content increases the tensile strength, and doping with molybdenum and vanadium increases the ductility of rolled products. It was determined that in order to guarantee compliance with the requirements of the ultimate strength (900-1100 MPa) and relative elongation (> 11%) for steel 31CrMoV9, the content of alloying elements should correspond to the following intervals: 2.42-2.62%Cr, 0.2-0, 23%Mo and 0.17-0.20%V. The results obtained make it possible to predict the mechanical properties of doped steel, depending on the actual chemical composition of the steel.
Keywords: alloyed steel, interatomic interaction parameter, chemical composition, mechanical properties, tensile strength, relative elongation.
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