DOI: 10.52150/2522-9117-2018-32-182-207

Chernyatevych Anatoliy Hryhorovych, Dr. Sci,, professor, Head of Department, , Iron and Steel Institute named after Z.I. Nekrasov of the NAS of Ukraine, Academican Starodubova square, 1, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49107; e-mail:; ORCID 0000-0002-4552-4997

Molchanov Lavr Sergeevich, PhD (Engin.), Senior Research Scientist, Iron and Steel Institute named after Z.I. Nekrasov of the NAS of Ukraine, Academican Starodubova square, 1, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49107; ORSID 0000-0001-6139-5956

Yushkevich Pavlo Olegovich, Ph.D. (Engin.), Researcher, Iron and Steel Institute named after Z.I. Nekrasovof the NAS of Ukraine, Academican Starodubova square, 1, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49107; e-mail:, ORSID 0000-0002-2675-0737

Vakulchuk Vladimir Viktorovich, PhD (Engin.), Research Scientist, Iron and Steel Institute named after Z.I. Nekrasovof the NAS of Ukraine, Academican Starodubova square, 1, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49107; e-mail:, ORSID 0000-0001-7887-2843

Development of energy efficient technology of combined blowing of converter bath by oxygen and neutral gases

Abstract. The aim of the work is the development of a new technology of combined purging of the converter bath with oxygen and neutral gas, which allows to achieve a significant resource and energy saving effect. The proposed technological scheme of combined purging is based on the use of a new design of a three-tiered tuyere and a system for supplying two regulated oxygen flows to it. It is possible to completely replace oxygen with nitrogen at certain periods of melting, which allows us to significantly expand the technological capabilities of the combined purge of the converter bath. The design of a  threetiered tuyere, which eliminates the disadvantages of two-tier blowing devices, was carried out using high-temperature modeling. Processing of the materials obtained in the course of the conducted melts allowed us to obtain new information about the features of the physicochemical processes developing during the flushing of the converter bath with the afterburning of the exhaust gases. The features of the effect of oxygen jets on the removal of carbon, manganese, silicon and phosphorus from the melt are established. Based on the data of high-temperature modeling of the purge of the converter bath, the established methodology for calculating the main design parameters and experience in developing industrial structures of multi-tiered tuyeres, a threetiered tuyere of the new design and a combined bath of oxygen and neutral gas for the 160-ton converters have been developed and proposed for industrial development. The practical implementation of the presented solutions will provide an increase in the technological and technical-economic indicators of smelting in comparison with the use of well-known developments in this field.
Keywords: oxygen converter, combined blowing, three-tiered tuyeres, blast flow separation, construction, technology.

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