DOI: 10.52150/2522-9117-2018-32-42-46
Muravyeva I.G., Dr. Sci., (Engin.),, Head of Department, Iron and Steel Institute named after Z.I. Nekrasov of the NAS of Ukraine, Academican Starodubova square, 1, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49107;
Togobitskaya Daria Nikolaevna, Dr. Sci. (Engin.), Professor, Head of the Department, Iron and Steel Institute named after Z.I. Nekrasov of the NAS of Ukraine, Academican Starodubova square, 1, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49107; email:, ORCID 0000-0001-6413-4823
Ivancha Mykola Hryhorovych, Senior Researcher, Iron and Steel Institute named after Z.I. Nekrasov of the NAS of Ukraine, Academican Starodubova square, 1, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49107; e-mail:
Nesterov Alexander Stanislavovich, PhD (Engin.), Senior Researcher, Head of Department; Iron and Steel Institute named after Z.I. Nekrasov of the NAS of Ukraine, Academican Starodubova square, 1, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49107; e-mail: asn.dnepr@; ORSID0000-0002-0183-0327
The concept of creating an expert system for selecting the optimal composition of a multicomponent mixture
Abstract. The paper presents the concept of creating an expert system for selecting the optimal composition of a multicomponent domain mixture, the basis of which will be: models of physical and chemical transformations of iron-containing materials, technological criteria, models of loading and
distribution of charge materials, taking into account the distribution of the components of the charge over the cross section of the blast furnace. The system being developed differs from the well-known, based on the determination of the forecast indicators blast furnace by varying the component composition of the raw materials using calculations of material – thermal balance of the process. A block diagram of the solution of the problem of choosing the optimal composition of the charge is given.
Keywords: concept, domain charge, choice of components, optimal composition, expert system, criteria.
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