DOI: 10.52150/2522-9117-2018-32-28-41
Semenov Yuri Stanislavovich, Ph.D. (Engin.), Senior Researcher, Institute named after Z.I. Nekrasov of the NAS of Ukraine, Academican Starodubova square, 1, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49107; e-mail:, ORCID 0000-0003-2299-5742
Ie.I. Shumelchyk, Ph.D. (Engin.), Senior Researcher, Iron and Steel Institute named after Z.I. Nekrasovof the NAS of Ukraine, Academic square Starodubova, 1, Dnipro, Ukraine,49107; e-mail:, ORCID 0000-0001-5350-6425
Horupakha Victor Vladimirovich, Researcher, Iron and Steel Institutenamedafter Z.I. Nekrasovofthe NAS ofUkraine, Academican Starodubova square, 1, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49107; e-mail:, ORCID 0000-0003-0531-1871
Development of technology of pulverized coal injection in Ukraine’s blast
furnaces in variable liquid and gas dynamic conditions
Abstract. The aim of the work is to study the features of the use of pulverized coal (PCI) in the conditions of the blast furnace (BF) No. 5 of Metinvest Holding Ltd (Ukraine). The complex for the preparation and use of
pulverized coal includes: a coal unloading and storage area; coal mixing section; coal sampling unit; plot of coal sorting and preparation; installation of drying and grinding coal raw materials, installation for the injection of pulverized coal into the BF. It is shown that the use of rational modes of loading and forming portions of the charge, the choice of rational slag mode allowed to increase the annual consumption of pulverized coal on average up to 130 kg / t of pig iron even in the conditions of variable load of BF and when working on coke of reduced quality. During the research, an operational monitoring of the condition of the lining of the BF shaft was carried out using the indications of the thermocouple of the lining and the body of the refrigerators. The determination of the thermal loads of the cooling system made it possible to develop measures to adjust the distribution of the charge components along the radius and circumference of the furnace. The temperature of the peripheral gas flow along the entire height of the furnace is reduced by an average of 13%, the irregularity of the peripheral temperature is reduced by 11%. The stability of the cooling system and the smooth operation of the blast furnaces.
Key words: blast furnace pulverized fuel, charge loading modes, lining condition, thermal loads
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